Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Gender and Teasing among High Solidarity Group Members (A Case Study in ‘PW’ Boarding House)


The study examines the realization of teasing among high solidarity group and its relation to respondents‟ gender and gender relation. The study focuses on the teasing categories, directness in teasing, and the realization of teasing in relation to respondents‟ gender and gender relation. The data were collected from recorded observation, which was later transcribed for further analysis. Four categories of teasing are revealed, namely teasing concerning physical appearance, teasing concerning action or habit, teasing concerning inability, and miscellany. There are also two types of teasing in terms of directness, i.e. direct and indirect teasing. Direct teasings are explicit (non-metaphorical meaning), straight to the target, and telling the truth. On the other hand, indirect teasings are implicit, not straight to the target, and not telling the truth. The teasing category mostly used is teasing concerning physical appearance. In terms of directness, the respondents used more indirect teasing. Female respondents tend to tease more than male respondents and tend to tease more directly than male respondents. Female and male respondents tend to use teasing concerning physical appearance more than other teasing categories. Furthermore, gender relation is related to the teasing categories. When the targets are females, teasings concerning physical appearance are always in the second rank. On the other hand, when the targets are males, teasing concerning physical appearance is always in the first rank. In terms of directness, gender relation is closely related to the use of indirect teasing.

Dibuat oleh :  Corry Caromawati, S.S.

E-mail:  corry_821na@yahoo.com, corry@itenas.ac.id

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Gender and Teasing among High Solidarity Group Members (A Case Study in ‘PW’ Boarding House)