Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

The Concept Of Educational Tourism Through The Establishment Of Small Industries Based On Material Exploration Approach.


Based on the research done on the Design education, has tested an approach that results can be applied as a creating approach in the field of craft, namely the approach of exploration material to produce unique creations made from non‐conventional raw materials, such as tubers, fruit skins, weeds, and seeds. Through this approach, it can be demonstrated that the level of skill, intellect, and creativity, is not always being potentials should be owned by a creators , thing that as if of les only owned by society the academic course .

As written on the site of the National Education Ministry, the Directorate of Higher Education Indonesia (http://www.dikti.go.id), that the university as an institution is a dynamic living community in the role of mature levels of intellectual, emotional and spiritual students, struggling with the value of social life, the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge as a dedication to the advancement of society. However, reality shows that actually describe the state of research is based on the values that exist in the community still revolves around the level of society as an object only, while the dissemination of knowledge that can be used to improve the quality of life is still very little done. This paper will describe, how the implementation of the approach to the exploration of material on the creative industries have the potential for a synergistic link between big industry, the potential of the area, intellectuals, government, the people who do not have the opportunity to develop intellectual abilities through higher institutions.

Dibuat oleh : Andry Masri
Alamat e-mail: andrymasri@gmail.com
Kata kunci : exploring material, new raw materials, craft in creative industry.

The Concept Of Educational Tourism Through The Establishment Of Small Industries Based On Material Exploration Approach.