Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Positioning Techniques for Underwater Visible Light Communication


In this paper, a positioning scheme for Underwater Visible Light Communications (OVLC) is proposed. Using buoys as UVLC transmitters on the sea surface and any photodetector receives optical power signals photodetector based receiver underwater, the position of the receiver is estimated using multilateration method based on received signal strength within the transmitter coverage. A numerical evaluation was carried out, which shows that the proposed positioning scheme has a high level of accuracy, compared with other underwater positioning schemes, it can further be extended that Global Positioning System assisted intelligent buoys can be develoved for UVLC positioning

Dibuat oleh : Denny Darlis, Arsyad Ramadhan Darlis, Anugrah Cahyadi, Yeon Ho Chung
Alamat e-mail: yhchung@pknu.ac.kr
Kata kunci :
Keterangan: Karya ilmiah ini disampaikan pada Branch Conference The Korean Institute of Communications and Informations Sciences Fall 2016, December 2016, At Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea

Positioning Techniques for Underwater Visible Light Communication