Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Pembangunan Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif Untuk Mengetahui Pertumbuhan Balita Berbasis Web


Multimedia has been developed and used in various scope, such as education. as a simulation to facilitate the understanding of learning. An interakctive multimedia can also be used as a medium for the delivery of materials on child growth. Child’s growth can be seen and measured by several parameters of growth. Measurement of growth parameters in the form of child’s weight and height is still done manually and to determine the categories of growth parameters is still a way to see the growth chart on the KMS. Now, many parents often forget toddler’s immunization schedule. Therefore, the authors propose reserach development of interactive multimedia applications that can help parents to keep the toddler’s growth and to provide information to Parents about the infants immunization schedule. This interactive multimedia application is created using Macromedia Flash 8, Adobe Dreamweaver 8 and MySQL as data storage media. The expected result is to simplfy and shorten the time for parents to know the toddler’s weight and height parameters.


Di buat oleh: Youllia Indrawaty N (youllia@itenas.ac.id), Jasman Pardede (jasman@itenas.ac.id), Yune Yustira Rakhmatia.
Kata kunci : interactive Multimedia, PHP, MySQL, Growth
Keterangan : Dipresentasikan di Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia, SNASTIA, 21 Mei 2011, Tenggilis, Surabaya.


Pembangunan Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif Untuk Mengetahui Pertumbuhan Balita Berbasis Web