Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Study of Surface Runoff Sensitivity Due to Land Use Change in Small Urban Area


All countries throughout the world are experiencing climate change and it is also predicted that climate change will affect rainfall patterns. This paper aims to study the water sensitivity due to land use change in small catchment of urban area. A case study was carried out at Itenas Bandung area which is assumed represent a developed urban area with less previous surface. MOUSE software from DHI Denmark was used to model the hydrology and hydraulic condition of the drainage system. The scenario of simulation was the existing land use condition and the application of sustainable drainage concept such as storage or the infiltration structure.


Dibuat oleh : Nursetiawan (n_setiawan@itenas.ac.id),  Dita Wulandari (dita@itenas.ac.id)
Kata kunci : climate change, sustainable drainage system, water sensitive urban design
Keterangan : Proceeding of International Seminar on Water Related Risk Management, Jakarta 15-17 Juli 2011. ISBN: 978-979-17093-4-7. Published by HATHI.


Study of Surface Runoff Sensitivity Due to Land Use Change in Small Urban Area