Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Implementasi Multithreading Java pada Sistem Kolaborasi


Collaborating in completing task in a group is a important part in business process, where everyone needs to discuss his ideas, to share his opinion, to coordinate his planning, to make next worked planning and makes a concluding together. The increasing mobility of humans made a member of group can’t ever the same place and time so that very hard to collaborate. Therefore needs tools to facility collaborate without time and place considered. Software application as tools collaborate is called groupware. Groupware can be good applied needs a server application. The server application is responsible to manage and facility each client to collaborate with controlling activity each user, managing session and workspace by preparing functionality of text and image sending in the group. The responsibility of server application can run by well, it must capable run more than one calling the same method i.e. processing server must make “cloning itself”. The each of the result processing server will interact to client. To implementation of this idea, researcher will implement multithreading java by case study room meeting virtual class.

Di buat oleh: Jasman Pardede  (pardede_js@yahoo.com)
Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknik Industri, Institut Teknologi Nasional
Jl. PHK. Hasan Mustapa No. 23, Bandung 40124 Indonesia

Kata kunci : collaborating, server, client, multithreading, java
Keterangan : Dipresentasikan pada Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Tahun 2009.


Implementasi Multithreading Java pada Sistem Kolaborasi