Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Estimasi Produktivitas Padi Sawah Berbasis Kalender Tanam Heterogen Menggunakan Teknologi Pengindraan Jauh Wilayah Studi: Jawa Barat Bagian Utara


The combination of remote sensing and crop production models is a powerful tool to estimate crop yield at various spatial scale. This paper presents a new method for estimating the lowland rice yield based on heterogeneous cropping calendar. The method was developed by synthesizing  a crop yield estimation model with a lowland rice phenology detection model. The developed method has been implemented in the northern part of West Java Province, known as Pantura Jawa Barat region, by using MODIS data. The validation usingrice yield statistics data of District Office of Agriculture revealed a  root mean square deviation (RMSD) of ± 0.974 ton/ha and ± 0.548 ton/ha for subdistrict and district level comparisons, respectively. MODIS measurementswith 1 km × 1 km are too coarse to estimate crop yield on a local scale, but they are suitable to assess spatial  ariabilities rice yield over irrigation schemes and river basins.

Dibuat oleh : Dewi Kania Sari, Ishak H. Ismullah, Widyo Nugroho Sulasdi, Agung Budi Harto

E-mail: dewiks@itenas.ac.id

Kata kunci :  crop yield, biomass, lowland rice, SEBAL model, phenology, MODIS.

Keterangan :  Karya Ilmiah ini  dimuat pada Jurnal Itenas Rekayasa, Vol. 14 No. 3, Oktober – Desember 2010

Estimasi Produktivitas Padi Sawah Berbasis Kalender Tanam Heterogen Menggunakan Teknologi Pengindraan Jauh

Wilayah Studi: Jawa Barat Bagian Utara