Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Model Sistem Pengendalian Persediaan Dua Eselon Pada Sub Dolog Wilayah VIII Bandung


Inventory control is the main thing that is very important to ensure the smooth running of a compliance mechanism needs. Shortages or delays in delivery raskin is a problem that must be corrected by determining the optimal number raskin ordering that all requests can be fulfilled in accordance with the amount and distribution of the right time based on smallest costs. Determination of the optimal number raskin booking can be completed with Model Integration Policy Value Chain Inventory System 3 Echelon (Nur Bahagia, 2001) which consists of the production units, retailers and depot then implemented into the value chain 2-echelon system consisting only of the depot to the retailers and does development on transportation costs.

Dibuat oleh : Fifi Herni Mustofa, R. Saskia Maya W., R. Hari Adianto
E-mail: fifi.mustofa@gmail.co, wulan2305@gmail.com
Kata kunci :  inventory, multi echelon, optimal
Keterangan : Makalah ini disampaikan pada “Prosiding Seminar Nasional TEKNOIN 2013 Vol.4, ISBN 978-602-14272-0-0”

Model Sistem Pengendalian Persediaan Dua Eselon Pada Sub Dolog Wilayah VIII Bandung