Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Study on Leakage Current Waveforms of Porcelain Insulator due to Various Artificial Pollutants


This paper presents the experimental results of leakage current waveforms which appears on porcelain insulator surface due to existence of artificial pollutants. The test have been done using the chemical compounds of NaCL, Na2SO4, Na2SiO3, CaO, Na2SO4, KCL, AL2SO4, MgSO4, FeCL3, and TiO2. The insulator surface was coated with those compounds and dried. Then, it was tested in the chamber where the high voltage was applied. Using correspondence analysis, teh result indicated thet the fundamental harmonic of leakage current was very close to the applied voltage and third harmonic leakage current was close to the yielded leakage current amplitude. The first harmonic power was correlated to first harmonic amplitudes of leakage current, and third harmonic power was close to third harmonic one. The chemical compounds of H2SO4 and Na2SiO3, affected to the power factor of around 70%. Both are the most conductive, due to the power factor drastically increase among the chemical compounds.


Di buat oleh: Waluyo (waluyo@itenas.ac.id), Parouli M, Pakpahan, Suwarno, Maman A. Djauhari.
Kata kunci : chemical compound, harmonic, porcelain insulator, leakage current
Keterangan : International Journal of Mathe,atical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 2 Number 1.