Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Perancangan dan Simulasi Kontrol Pengatur Tegangan Otomatis untuk Transformator Daya


A control system of automatic voltage regulator for tap-changer operation on a power transformer has been designed. This system used an AT89S51 series microcontroller as the main control unit of relays connected to the motor-drive of tap-changer. The operation principle of the microcontroller was on-off action. The microcontroller activated the relays and sent information to a computer, based on conditioner signal given by a sensing unit. This signal was converted to digital signal by an analog-to-digital converter of ADC0804 series.
A testing of hardware and software was conducted. The input voltage was varied, up and down, from nominal voltage of 110 Volt, causing the rotor of motor and relay positions change accordingly. The change of voltage of voltage and realy positions could be seen on the software display using Visual Basic programming. The hardware and software were able able to integarte and operate properly.


Di buat oleh: Waluyo (waluyo@itenas.ac.id), Sabat Anwari, Yudha Eko Prayitno.
Kata kunci : ADC, automatic voltage regulator, hardware, microcontroller, personal computer, software
Keterangan : Diterbitkan di Jurnal Sain dan Teknologi SIGMA, LPPM USD Yogyakarta, Vol. 11, No. 1, Januari 2008 ISSN: 1410-5888