Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Identifying Leadership Development Factors in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren) Using Factor Analysis Method


Pesantren or Islamic boarding school is a center of Islamic learning which has a significant role in producing the leaders of the nation. The significant role is believed to be the result of the leadership spirit that developed in student’s life and also the clerics. However, the growth of leadership does not occur evenly among the boarding schools. This research aimed to find a superior method in developing leadership among boarding school students. Factor analysis method was used to extract leadership developing factors from a set of data collected by a questionnaire, followed by an ANOVA test to determine the similarity of coaching method in the model boarding schools. The research found 13 leadership development factors and 2 types of education in the model boarding schools.

Dibuat oleh :  Dwi Kurniawan
E-mail: dwikur77@gmail.com
Kata kunci : Leadership, factor analysis, Islamic boarding school (pesantren)

Identifying Leadership Development Factors in Indonesian Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren) Using Factor Analysis Method