Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

An Application of Balanced Scorecard System in Strengthening Agricultural Firm


Balanced Scorecard is a management system that enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. Nowadays, Balanced Scorecard has been widely used in many companies and organizations for its simplicity and applicability. Meanwhile, agricultural firms are businesses that are rarely managed with sufficient management skills. This paper provides a study whether Balanced Scorecard is applicable to these firms. The study results that Balanced Scorecard, with enough understanding to agricultural processes, is completely applicable for agricultural firms.

Dibuat oleh  : Dwi Kurniawan
E-mail            : dwikur77@gmail.com
Kata kunci    : The Balanced Scorecard, Agricultural Firm
Keterangan  : Makalah ini  dimuat pada Proceedings of ICIEBM 2010, Yogyakarta – Indonesia

An Application of Balanced Scorecard System in Strengthening Agricultural Firm