Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Implementasi Algoritma Genetika Pada Sistem Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah


There are many optimization  algorithms that can be used to solve scheduling problem e.g. Heuristic Search Algorithm, Tabu Search Algorith, and Genetics Algorithm. Genethics Algorithm can resolved the problem of multi-criteria and multi-objective which modeled by processes and evolutionary biology. Genethics algorithm work with a population consisting of individuals, the each of individual  present a possible solution to the exiting problems by the having fitness value. In this research, the calculation of fitness value is determined by three factors, i.e., the classroom should not be smaller than the number of student, at the same class there are no courses that take place at the same time with the prerequisite courses, and teacher should not teach more than four clock ongoing. At the same time, teacher should not be taugh in different classes, the classroom should not be used more than one class, and classed and courses in the same semester should not be scheduled are not incuded in determining the value of fitness because they have become a necessity in the scheduling. The result of the reseach came to the conclusion that the time needed to schedule a particular semester, is not only determined by the parameter of genetics but is determined by the fitness value from the convergence of the schedule and the number of individu who raised in a population.

Dibuat Oleh      : Jasman Pardede, Asep Nana Hermana

Alamat E-mail : jasman@itenas.ac.id

Kata Kunci         : schedule, genethics algorithm, individu, population, fitness value

Keterangan        : Karya Ilmiah ini  dimuat pada  Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi 2014, ISSN 2355-1941

Implementasi Algoritma Genetika Pada Sistem Penjadwalan Mata  Kuliah