Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Penerapan Praktikum Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Mahasiswa Terhadap Materi Kuliah Pengendalian Kualitas


Qualily Control Course has become one of main subjects on 5th semester. The material consists of :
Integration Quality Management and Quality Control Tools,  including : Process Control Chart and Acceptance Sampling. Those tools require real application example in industri to present in class. Currently the students get the data to be used in both tools mentioned above without knowing the source of the data.

Final grade for Qualiry Control Subject is decreasing in the last 3 year.7. Therefore special treatment need to be implemented in order to increase student understanding and to achieve high final grade in this subject. The development of teaching-learning method needs to conduct in form of laboratory practice beside lecturer and response class.

The methods implemented in the course are laboratory practices to expand student understanding.  Thev are devided into 4 module, including : Variable Control Chart, p and np Atribute Control Chart, c and u Atribute Control Chart, and STD-I05 ABC Sampling. Students conduct Qualiry Control activity themselves by simulating activify in industry using simple product as the object. Result of the activity, shows that student achieved better grade than the previous year. In the year 2004/2005 failure student rate are 26% and year 2005/2006 are only 8.7%. But this achievement aren’t attain the plannedperforma17ce indicator. Based on student satisfaction questioner, 97% student are very satisfy with the method learning method The satisfaction level also support by a better successful percentage than previous year

Dibuat oleh: Ambar Rukmi Harsono (ambarh@itenas.ac.id)
Keyword : Teaching-learning method, laboratory practice, performance indicator
Keterangan : Proceeding of  Research and Studies IV 2007

Penerapan Praktikum Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Mahasiswa Terhadap Materi Kuliah Pengendalian Kualitas