Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

The Development of Quality Assurance Unit in Itenas


In Higher Education Long Term Strategy (HELTS) 2003 – 2010, organizational health is one of the strategic issues and a continuous quality improvement should become its primary concern. Inline with those, one of the strategic plans of ITENAS is to develop the quality assurance unit (QAU) as a centre of quality assurance for all study programs, and to achieve continuous quality improvement in its educational process. Supported by TPSDPgrant, ltenas develop Quality Assurance Unit based on Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) management approach There are four activities that have been proposed to develop quality assurance unit : Developing Orgnnizational Structure ond Working Mechanism, Developing Criteria and Stondard for Quality, Developing Documents and Instruments, and Developing Monitoring and Evaluation System. The cultural change to carry on quality assurance activity will be cultivated through gradual socialization to all academic staff. Some of the result of the activities are: the establishment of peer group, as the main force for quality assurance activities and development; the development of quolity culture among academic stafls of Itenas; significant increase in the average score of several courses, as a result of continuous monitoring pmcess and an improved understanding toward the need to quality among teachers; systematic collection of Procedure Manuals and Work Instructions in almost all unit in Itenas, and sharing of best practices about the pmcess of quality assurance between study programs.

Dibuat oleh: Ambar Rukmi Harsono (ambarh@itenas.ac.id)
Keyword : Quality assurance, continuous quolity improvement, PDCA
Keterangan : Dipresentasikan pada of 9th APIEM 2008

The Development of Quality Assurance Unit in Itenas