Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Interpretasi Visual Terhadap Bentuk dan Fungsi Kujang Huma Pamangkas dengan Uji ANOVA (Analysis of Variace dan VAS (Visual Analog Scale)


The kujang recognizable as a typical cultural artifact Sunda. Classification of kujang is determined by functions, namely as weapons, agricultural tools and ceremonial tool. The functions ofkujangs are determined based on user behavior that characterize a particularform, this phenomenon is interesting to traced, to determine the elements in form of kujang huma pamangkas as agricultural tools who showing variability offunctions, the study sought to explore the visual perception ofsome observers, through VAS approach (visual analog scale) and the ANOVA test (analysis ofvariance), towards some form of kujang pamangkas from several museums, This study concluded the fact the relationship between form with function (form follows function), which was preserved until the present into the design characteristics oftraditionalfarming tools in west Java.

Dibuat oleh : Edi Setiadi Putra
E-mail: edsetia@itenas.ac.
Kata kunci :  Kujang, huma, sunda

Keterangan : Karya Ilmiah ini  dimuat pada Jurnal Itenas Rekapura, FSRD Itenas No. 1 Vo.1 Januari – Maret 2011

Interpretasi Visual Terhadap Bentuk dan Fungsi Kujang Huma Pamangkas dengan Uji ANOVA (Analysis of Variace dan VAS (Visual Analog Scale)