Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Institut Teknologi Nasional - Bandung

Pembuatan Tepung Telur Menggunakan Spray Dryer dengan Nozzle Putar


Most of the people eat eggs either directly as food or as a processed food because eggs contain nutrients such as carbohydrates, vitamins and protein. The protein in eggs is eggs animal protein but also have a disadvantage that can not be kept for too long so it needs to be done preservation process one way to drying. One of the tools that can be used in the conditioning process the eggs into dried products, powder / powder is using this type of dryer spray dryer. One of the advantages of this tool is to contacting process that does not require a long time. The purpose of this study is to make white flour and egg yolk and flour to determine the operating conditions (feed rate ) the best in terms of water content, nutrient content (protein and fat) and flour content of microorganisms in the eggs produced. The research procedure consists of three phases, namely the initial stage, the drying phase, and phase analysis. The drying process is not carried out continuously with the feed flow rate (0.472; 0.444; 0.425) L /, nozzle and egg (yolk and white) as the variables change while temperature of 60 0C, the rate of drying air 10 L / min as a fixed variable. At Nozzel design the screw there. From the research, the greater the flow rate of the feed water content more and more. The larger the feed flow rate less the yield. In this research founded is water content of 6.08%(b/b) water to flour and 5.2%(b/b) egg yolk for egg white powder, flour yield 60.13% to 63.41% egg yolk and egg yolk to flour, protein content of 38.44% for egg yolk powder and 50.18% for egg white flour, fat content of 40.87% for the starch content of egg yolk and flour microorganisms 6.4 x102 to 1.5 X103 egg yolks and egg whites to the flour.

Dibuat Oleh : Ronny Kurniawan, S.Juhanda, Dwi Adi Wibowo, Irfan Fauzi

Alamat e-mail :ron_itenas@yahoo.com

Kata Kunci : eggs, egg powder, spray dryer, rotary nozzle

Katerangan : Karya Ilmiah ini dimuat pada Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia “Kejuangan” ISSN 1693-4393 “Pengembangan Teknologi Kimia untuk Pengolahan Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia”
Yogyakarta, 5 Maret 2014

Pembuatan Tepung Telur Menggunakan Spray Dryer dengan Nozzle Putar